有了Ventoy你就无需反复地格式化U盘,你只需要把 ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI 等类型的文件拷贝到U盘里面就可以启动了,无需其他操作。
你可以一次性拷贝很多个不同类型的镜像文件,Ventoy 会在启动时显示一个菜单来供你进行选择。
Ventoy 安装之后,同一个U盘可以同时支持 x86 Legacy BIOS、IA32 UEFI、x86_64 UEFI、ARM64 UEFI 和 MIPS64EL UEFI 模式。
Ventoy 支持大部分常见类型的操作系统 (Windows/WinPE/Linux/Unix/VMware/Xen …)
目前已经测试了各类超过 700+ 个ISO文件。 支持 distrowatch.com 网站上收录的 90%+ 的操作系统。
FileZilla Client 3.65
2023-07-11 |FileZilla是一个免费开源的FTP客户端软件,分为客户端版本和服务器版本,具备所有的FTP软件功能。可控性、有条理的界面和管理多站点的简化方式使得Filezilla客户端版成为一个方便高效的FTP客户端工具,而FileZilla Server则是一个小巧并且可靠的支持FTP&SFTP的FTP服务器软件。
FileZilla 3.60 bugfixes and minor changes:
SFTP: Fixed error handling if reading from child process fails
Fixed transfers following recursive operations not starting if the connection limit has been set to 1 in the Site Manager
FileZilla 3.65.0 changelog:
New – Comparative search can now also be used if sorted by path
Fixed an issue in comparative search in directories with uppercase letters
Betterbird 102.12.0
2023-06-08 |Betterbird is a fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird, Thunderbird on steroids, if you will. Betterbird aims at providing a better user experience by fixing annoying bugs in Thunderbird and implementing new features. Please refer to this feature table for examples. This should give you an impression of where the project is headed.
Betterbird is a soft fork of Mozilla Thunderbird. Soft fork means that it is closely following the Thunderbird Extended Support Releases (ESR) therefore avoiding the mistakes of other forks which quickly lost track of upstream Thunderbird, thus opening users up to security vulnerabilities.
Is Betterbird for me?
If you like Thunderbird but are discouraged by too many bugs, then give Betterbird a try. It is 100% compatible with Thunderbird’s ESR version. You can install the same dot release of Thunderbird in parallel and switch between Betterbird and Thunderbird on the same profile without problems and without needing the -allow-downgrade command line switch.
CPU-Z 2.06
2023-05-27 |CPU-Z是一款家喻户晓的CPU检测软件,除了使用Intel或AMD自己的检测软件之外,我们平时使用最多的此类软件就数它了。它支持的CPU种类相当全面,软 件的启动速度及检测速度都很快。另外,它还能检测主板和内存的相关信息,其中就有我们常用的内存双通道检测功能。
CPU-Z 2.06 changelog:
Intel N97, N95 and N50 (ADL-N, 6W to 15W).
AMD Dragon Range Ryzen 9 7945HX (16c/55-75W), 7845HX (12c/45-75W), Ryzen 7 7745HX (8c/45-75W), 7645HX (6c/45-75W).
Zhaoxin C-1080 IGP (KX-6000G).
Zhaoxin KH-40000 YongFeng (12/16/32c).
NVIDIA RTX 4070 (AD104-250).
NVIDIA RTX 4060 Ti (AD106-350).
AMD Radeon RX 7600 (Navi 33 XL).
Paint.NET 5.0.6
2023-05-25 |或许很多人和我一样,在有的时候需要一款能简单处理图片的软件,功能要求也不高,就是加个文字注释,更改一下图片大小之类的。为了这些简单功能我们去安装强大的Photoshop?No No No,杀鸡焉用牛刀?下面这款Paint.NET就可以满足这样的需求。
Paint.NET最近的更新也很频繁,或许是上个版本发布的太匆忙,这次更新修复了不少Bug。或许这些都不是什么重点,重要的应该是其提供了对.Net Framework 4.0的支持。好吧我知道很多朋友对于Paint.NET这款软件对.Net Framework的密切依赖颇有微词,不过在Windows 7越来越普及的趋势下,我认为这应该不会成为一个问题了吧。
Motrix 1.8.19
2023-05-04 |Motrix is a full-featured download manager that support downloading HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent, Magnet etc.
It has a clean and simple interface and is easy to use. I hope you will like it ?.
I open sourced the Motrix based on MIT License at Dec 19, 2018, fork and PR are welcome, see the GitHub Repo
The birth of Motrix is inseparable from the support of the following third-party open source software. View open source licenses
SRWare Iron 122
2023-05-03 |SRWare Iron: The browser of the future – based on the free Sourcecode “Chromium” – without any problems at privacy and security
Google’s Web browser Chrome thrilled with an extremely fast site rendering, a sleek design and innovative features. But it also gets critic from data protection specialists , for reasons such as creating a unique user ID or the submission of entries to Google to generate suggestions. SRWare Iron is a real alternative. The browser is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome – but without the critical points that the privacy concern.
We could therefore create a browser with which you can now use the innovative features without worrying about your privacy.
PureCodec/完美解码 20230331
2023-04-01 |完美解码是一款为众多影视发烧友精心打造的专业高清播放器。超强HDTV支持,画质远超主流播放器!解码设置中心”预设多种解码模式,使用默认模式即可获得良好播放效果,有经验的用户更可自行调整、切换分离器/解码器,某些特殊功能如DTS-CD播放、DVD软倍线、HDTV硬件加速等都能简单实现。完美支持各种流行多媒体文件流畅播放,更可配合压制工具进行多种多媒体格式相互转换。
Logitech SetPoint 6.90
2023-01-20 |近日,罗技官网更新了键鼠驱动软件SetPoint,这也是半年多之后的首次更新,其版本号为6.65.62,适用于XP/Vista/Win7/Win8操作系统。
SetPoint lets you customize your mouse, keyboard, touchpad and number pad settings in Windows.
CentBrowser 5.0
2022-12-31 |Cent Browser is an enhanced web browser based on Chromium. It has many convenient features like mouse gesture, scrollable tab bar, auto hide bookmark bar, incognito tab, boss key, etc.
Cent Browser is an enhanced version of the Chromium web browser that bundles many useful features, such as scrollable tab bar, automatic memory optimization, lazy session loading, mouse gesture, super drag and a lot of tab options.It makes your web surfing easier, more comfortable and more secure. Cent Browser Free Download Latest Version for Windows PC. It is full offline setup installer of Cent Browser.