在现代有网路世界里,最让使用者头疼的莫过于电脑病毒了,一旦电脑中了病毒,就会导致系统运行速度慢,个人资源泄漏等严重后果。只要使用者将这款 Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载安装,就能将所有的病毒拦截在外,保护您的电脑不受到任何伤害。如果,您还在受到病毒的困扰,不妨尝试对这款 Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载体验吧,它能给您营造一个健康的网路环境。
Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载提供者,是由著名的Comodo Inc公司推出的,虽然,它是款免费的防毒软体,但其功能绝不输给那些收费防毒软体哦。Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载安装后,就能支援即时系统防护、杀毒、线上更新、扫毒等,只要您想得到的功能,它都能一一满足您。
Comodo Antivirus防毒软体功能介绍:
# 支援即时监控、线上升级病毒库等,Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载、安装都很简单,简单的点击即可完成安装。
# 除了这款Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载使用是无偿外,Comodo Antivirus公司还推出了一款查杀能力更强的进阶版本,但它是付费的。
# 具有庞大的病毒库,能够查杀几千成种病毒、木马、蠕虫等,让您放心进行各种网路活动,享受网路带来的便捷。
# 具有友好的操作介面,没有任何广告程式等,让用户用得放心。
What’s New In COMODO Internet Security 2013?
NEW! Completely redesigned touch friendly and task oriented user interface.
The new user interface is designed from scratch to make CIS as user friendly as possible. While we kept a lot of advanced settings for the advanced users, novice users will find it very easy to use now.
NEW! Desktop Widget
NEW! Tasks Manager
NEW! Customizable Task Bar
NEW! Drag&Drop area to Sandbox and Scan Files
NEW! Sound effects are used in alert windows to draw users’ attention
NEW! Offline virus database update functionality (Import Virus Database feature)
NEW! File Rating Scan functionality
NEW! Rescue Disk feature
NEW! Virtual shortcuts
NEW! Shared Space between real and virtualized environments
NEW! Reboot reminder alerts in multiple places
NEW! Diagnostics being able to download missing files from the Internet
NEW! Keyboard shortcuts support
NEW! The following set of products is now part of CIS:
COMODO Autorun Analyzer
The Autorun Analyzer makes a thorough check on the Start-up items that are loaded during system start-up and shows them as a list with their threat rating. The interface allows you to choose precisely which programs and services are to be enabled and to delete the items that are identified as malware.
COMODO Cleaning Essentials
CCE is a lightweight, portable application which requires no installation and can be run directly from removable media such as a USB key, CD or DVD. Home users can quickly and easily run scans and operate the software with the minimum of fuss. More experienced users will enjoy the high levels of visibility and control over system processes and the ability to configure customized scans from the granular options menu.
Virtual Kiosk
An innovative sandboxed environment to run programs and browse the Internet isolated from your real computer. Applications and browsers run inside the kiosk leave no cookies or history behind on your real system, making it an extremely secure environment for Internet banking and online shopping.
– Prevents malicious websites from installing viruses malware, rootkits and spyware onto your computer and provides protection against hacking
– Features a virtual keyboard that allows you to securely enter user-names, credit card numbers and passwords without fear of key-logging software recording your physical keystrokes
– Enables advanced users to run beta-software in an environment that will not upset the stability or file structure of their production system
COMODO KillSwitch
KillSwitch is an advanced system monitoring tool that allows users to quickly identify, monitor and terminate any unsafe processes that are running on their system. Apart from offering unparalleled insight and control over computer processes, KillSwitch provides you with yet another powerful layer of protection for Windows computers.
IMPROVED! Dramatically improved sandbox and virtualization.
Virtualization has been improved significantly so that more applications are now able to run inside sandbox.
New sandbox allowed us to implement a whole new desktop with its own application ecosystem: Virtual Kiosk.
We have also introduced automatic virtualization of unknown applications for advanced users.
IMPROVED! Lightest and fastest CIS so far!
CIS 6 is the fastest and the least resource intensive product we have released so far. Real-time responsiveness of the PCs improved significantly. Manual scans are now less resource intensive. Second scan speed improvements are dramatic.
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