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Archive for the ‘CMS’ Category


WordPress 5.9

2022-01-26 |

WordPressWordPress 是一个注重美学、易用性和网络标准的个人信息发布平台。WordPress 虽为免费的开源软件,但其价值是无法用金钱来衡量。使用 WordPress 可以搭建功强大的网络信息发布平台,但更多的是应用于个性化的博客。针对博客的应用,WordPress 能让您省却对后台技术的担心,集中精力做好网站的内容。

Say Hello to the New Editor
We’ve made some big upgrades to the editor. Our new block-based editor is the first step toward an exciting new future with a streamlined editing experience across your site. You’ll have more flexibility with how content is displayed, whether you are building your first site, revamping your blog, or write code for a living.


Plone 5.1.4

2018-10-18 |




Drupal 8.6.2

2018-10-18 |

* 社群入口网站和讨论区
* 企业网站/企业内部入口网站
* 个人网站
* 爱好网站
* 电子商务应用
* 资源分类目录


Joomla! 3.8.13

2018-10-10 |

joomlaJoomla!是一套在国外相当知名的内容管理系统(Content Management System – CMS),它属于Portal(企业入口网站)类型,顾名思义,就是比较适合作为商业类型的网站程序。它是开源的!

Joomla!是使用PHP语言加上 MySQL数据库所开发的软件系统,可以在Linux、Windows、MacOSX等各种不同的平台上执行。

目前是由Open Source Matters(这个开放源码组织进行开发与支持,这个组织的成员来自全世界各地,小组成员约有150人,包含了开发者、设计者、系统管理者、文件撰写者,以及超过2万名的参与会员。


SilverStripe CMS 4.2.1

2018-08-01 |

SilverStripeSilverStripe CMS is an open source web content management system used by governments, businesses, and non-profit organisations around the world. It is a power tool for professional web development teams, and web content authors rave about how easy it is to use.

As a platform, SilverStripe CMS is used to build websites, intranets, and web applications. The modern architecture of SilverStripe CMS allows organisations to keep pace with innovation on the web. SilverStripe CMS enables websites and applications to contain stunning design, great content, and compelling interactive and social functions.


Orchard CMS 1.10.2

2017-04-29 |

OrchardOrchard is a free, open source, community-focused project aimed at delivering applications and reusable components on the ASP.NET platform.

Orchard will create shared components for building ASP.NET applications and extensions, and specific applications that leverage these components to meet the needs of end-users, designers, developers, and Web professionals. Additionally, we seek to create partnerships with existing application authors to help them achieve their goals. Orchard is delivered as part of the ASP.NET Open Source Gallery under the Outercurve Foundation. It is licensed under a New BSD license, which is approved by the OSI.

[2,950] Desktop App 1.1

2016-04-08 |

WordPress.comThe desktop app puts in your dock or taskbar. Use it to focus on your content and design with no other browser tabs to distract you, or to keep your sites readily accessible. The app is powered by the same technology that runs

To edit your self-hosted WordPress (.org) website, you need to install the Jetpack plugin, which you can do by following the instructions here.

Once Jetpack is installed and connected to a account, make sure the Jetpack Manage module is enabled.