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Archive for the ‘Graphics’ Category


IrfanView 4.67

2024-04-06 |

IrfanViewIrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 , 2008, Vista, Windows 7.

It is trying to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals.

IrfanView is trying to create new and/or interesting features in its own way, unlike some other graphic viewers, whose whole “creativity” is based on feature cloning, stealing of ideas and whole dialogs from ACDSee and/or IrfanView! (for example: XnView has been stealing/cloning features and whole dialogs from IrfanView, for 10+ years).

IrfanView was the first Windows graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple (animated) GIF support.
One of the first graphic viewers WORLDWIDE with Multipage TIF support.
The first graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple ICO support.


FastStone Image Viewer 7.8

2023-09-30 |

FastStoneFastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. It has a nice array of features that include image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, emailing, resizing, cropping and color adjustments. Its innovative but intuitive full-screen mode provides quick access to EXIF information, thumbnail browser and major functionalities via hidden toolbars that pop up when your mouse touches the four edges of the screen. Other features include a high quality magnifier and a musical slideshow with 150+ transitional effects, as well as lossless JPEG transitions, drop shadow effects, image annotation, scanner support, histogram and much more. It supports all major graphic formats (BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, animated GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO and TGA) and popular digital camera RAW formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, MRW, ORF, SRF and DNG).


XnView 2.51

2022-06-02 |




Aperture 3.4.5 Updater

2013-06-07 |

ApertureWhat’s New in Aperture 3
Faces and Places. Brushes for precision retouching. Dozens of adjustment presets. True full-screen browsing and editing. And that’s just part of the perfect picture.

Faces: Faces makes it faster and easier to search thousands of photos for shots of a particular person.
Places: Now you can use GPS location data to explore your photos by the places they were taken. Better still, find them on an interactive map.
Brushes: New nondestructive, edge-aware brushes let you selectively apply powerful adjustments to photos.
Adjustment Presets: Dozens of new adjustment presets give your photos a wide range of looks. In just one click.
Full-Screen Browser: Take advantage of your Apple display to get a big, uncluttered, full-screen view of your library.
Advanced Slideshows: Create spectacular multimedia shows with photos, HD video clips, titles, layered soundtracks, and professionally designed themes.


iPhoto 9.4.3 Updater

2013-04-17 |

iPhotoiPhoto是一款由苹果公司为Mac OS X操作系统和iLife软件套装编写,用于管理数码照片的应用软件。

从你的社交网页到咖啡桌面,甚至你好友的邮箱,你的照片将发挥前所未有的魅力。这一切在 iPhoto 里都可轻松实现。

一说到照片,当然是越大越好。在 iPhoto ’11 中,你可以全屏模式浏览、编辑并共享你的照片。只要轻点一下,桌面应用程序、菜单栏和其他干扰随即消失,你的图像将在屏幕的显著位置显示。全屏显示可充分利用显示屏的每寸画面。这样,你的面孔布告板和地点地图可填满整个屏幕,让你看到更多的事件、相簿和项目。享受精彩的全屏画面同时,还可使用新的幻灯影片方式来逐个浏览画面。占用的屏幕越大,意味着你将有更大的发挥空间,用以制作精美照片和难忘的 iPhoto 项目。


Microsoft Camera Codec Pack 16.4

2012-08-08 |

Live Photo GalleryThe Microsoft Camera Codec Pack enables the viewing of a variety of device-specific file formats. Note: Clicking Download means you agree to the Microsoft service agreement and privacy statement. Additional details below.

·The Microsoft Camera Codec Pack enables the viewing of a variety of device-specific file formats in Window Live Photo Gallery as well as other software that is based in Windows Imaging Codecs (WIC).
·Installing this package will allow supported RAW camera files to be viewable in Windows Explorer.
·This package is available in both the x86 and x64 versions .
·The Microsoft Camera Codec Pack provides support for the following device formats:


QQ影像 2.1

2012-05-26 |




Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011(15.4.3555)

2012-03-21 |

Live Photo Gallery通过 Windows Live 照片库,可从相机中导入照片,将其整理进相册,并进行编辑以使照片达到最佳效果。使用功能强大的照片工具创建令人惊叹的全景图、电影、幻灯片和更多内容。您可以同时编辑多张照片,删除其中有瑕疵的,并且只需一次单击即可修复红眼。准备好共享后,就可以直接从照片库中将照片和视频发布到您最喜爱的网站,如 Facebook 和 Flickr。此外还提供了新的搜索功能和工具(如面部识别),从而使在照片集中查找照片变得前所未有地简便。

Windows Live 照片库和影音制作是 Windows Live 软件包的一部分,软件包中还包括 Windows Live Messenger、Mail、Writer、家庭安全设置、Windows Live Mesh、Bing 工具栏、Messenger 浏览器插件、Microsoft Silverlight 和 Outlook Connector Pack(面向 Windows Live Messenger 的 Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector 和 Social Connector Provider)。您可以只安装照片库和影音制作,也可以安装整个 Windows Live 软件包。


Google Picasa 3.9

2011-12-10 |

picasaPicasa is free photo editing software from Google that makes your pictures look great.
Sharing your best photos with friends and family is as easy as pressing a button!

Picasa 3.9发布,最主要的新功能就是Google+分享。你可以分享整个相册,只需要点击Share on Google+按钮即可。你也可以单独分享照片,在分享的同时选择要分享到哪个好友圈子。如果你在照片里指认出其中包含有谁,那么在上传到Picasa Web Albums之后,该人的Google+帐号会获得提醒。

除此之外,Picasa 3.9还新增了24个新的照片特效,而且增加了左右对比模式,方便你比对效果处理前后的样式:也许到下一个Picasa 4.0版本,Google就会重命名其为Google Photos了吧?


光影魔术手(nEO iMAGING)

2010-11-21 |


从免费到收费,再到免费,以及后来被迅雷收购,光影魔术手的历程可以说是守得云开见月明,再被大家认可的同时,软件也在逐步的简化操作,增强功能。独特的人像美容、数码增强,花样边框及自动操作等等功能都是大家耳熟能详的,利用光影魔术手可以对于一些操作设置比图像处理界的大佬-Photoshop 还要方便的多。