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NanaZip 5.0 Update 1

2025-02-04 |

NanaZipNanaZip is an open source file archiver intended for the modern Windows experience, forked from the source code of well-known open source file archiver 7-Zip.

Inherit all features from 7-Zip 21.06.
Packaging with MSIX for modern deployment experience.
Support the context menu in Windows 10/11 File Explorer.
Enable NSIS script decompiling support for the NSIS archives. (Merged from 7-Zip NSIS branch.)
Provide 7-Zip execution alias for helping users to migrate to NanaZip.
Support the Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5 and Zstandard codecs. (Merged from 7-Zip ZS branch.)

System Requirements
Supported OS: Windows 10, version 1809 or later
Supported Platforms: x86, x86-64(AMD64) and ARM64.


AnyDesk 9.0.1

2024-12-06 |

AnyDeskAnyDesk is a fast remote desktop system and enables users to access their data, images, videos and applications from anywhere and at any time, and also to share it with others. AnyDesk is the first remote desktop software that doesn’t require you to think about what you can do. CAD, video editing or simply working comfortably with an office suite for hours are just a few examples. AnyDesk is designed for modern multi-core CPUs. Most of AnyDesk’s image processing is done con­currently. This way, AnyDesk can utilize up to 90% of modern CPUs. AnyDesk works across multiple platforms and operating systems: Windows, Linux, Free BSD, Mac OS, iOS and Android.

Just two megabytes – downloaded in a glimpse, sent via email, or fired up from your USB drive, AnyDesk will turn any desktop into your desktop in se­conds. No administrative privileges or installation needed.


7-Zip 24.09

2024-12-01 |

7-Zip7-Zip is a open source file archiver with a high compression ratio. The program supports 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP, WIM, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, Z. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions. Check license information here: 7-Zip license.

You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don’t need to register or pay for 7-Zip.


PeaZip 10.0

2024-10-27 |

PeaZipPeaZip is an open source file and archive manager: cross platform, available as portable and installable software for 32 and 64 bit Windows (9x, 2k, XP, Vista, 7) and Linux (PeaZip is a desktop neutral application).

 * Full support
  o 7z, FreeArc’s arc/wrc, sfx (7z and arc), bz2, gz, paq/lpaq, pea, quad/balz, split, tar, upx, zip
 * Read (browse, extract, test) 118 file extensions
  o 7z, bz, bz2, bzip2, tbz2, tbz, gz, gzip, tgz, tpz, tar, zip, z01, smzip, arj, cab, chm, chi, chq, chw, hxs, hxi, hxr, hxq, hxw, lit, cpio, deb, lzh, lha, rar, r01, 00, rpm, z, taz, tz, iso, jar, ear, war, lha, pet, pup, pak, pk3, pk4, slp, [Content], xpi, wim, u3p, lzma86, lzma, udf, xar, dmg, hfs, part1, split, swm, tpz, kmz, xz, txz, vhd, mslz, apm, mbr, fat, ntfs, exe, dll, sys, msi, msp, ods, ots, odm, oth, oxt, odb, odf, odg, otg, odp, otp, odt, ott, gnm, doc, dot, xls, xlt, ppt, pps, pot, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx, swf, flv, quad, balz, zpaq, paq8f, paq8jd, paq8l, paq8o, lpaq1, lpaq5, lpaq8, ace, arc, wrc, 001, pea, cbz, cbr, cba, cb7, cbt.
 * Repair
  o FreeArc’s arc/wrc


FastCopy 5.8.0

2024-10-09 |





PowerToys 0.80.1

2024-04-11 |

PowerToysMicrosoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows 10 experience for greater productivity.

For those who haven’t heard of PowerToys before, it’s a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity. Inspired by the Windows 95 era PowerToys project, this reboot provides power users with tools to squeeze more out of the Windows 10 shell and customize it for their individual workflows. On May 8, 2019, Microsoft relaunched PowerToys and made them open-source on GitHub.


WinRAR 7.00

2024-03-01 |

WinRARWINRAR 是目前流行的压缩工具,支持鼠标拖放及外壳扩展,完美支持 ZIP 档案,内置程序可以解开 CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、ACE、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO 等多种类型的压缩文件;具有估计压缩功能,你可以在压缩文件之前得到用 ZIP 和 RAR 两种压缩工具各三种压缩方式下的大概压缩率;具有历史记录和收藏夹功能;压缩率相当高,而资源占用相对较少、固定压缩、多媒体压缩和多卷自释放压缩是大多压缩工具所不具备的;使用非常简单方便,配置选项不多,仅在资源管理器中就可以完成你想做的工作;对于ZIP 和 RAR 的自释放档案文件( DOS 和 WINDOWS 格式均可),点击属性就可以轻易知道此文件的压缩属性,如果有注释,还能在属性中查看其内容。


doPDF 11.2

2021-09-15 |

doPDFdoPDF 是一个不论个人或是商业使用都是免费的 PDF 打印机。 使用 doPDF 你可以在任何程序中藉由选择 “打印” 命令来建立 PDF 文件。 鼠标简单的点一下,你就可以将微软的 Excel、Word、PowerPoint 文件、电子邮件或是喜爱的网页转换成 PDF 文件。

doPDF 会安装成一个虚拟的打印机,所以安装完成后会出现在控制台里的打印机和传真中。 你只要将文件送至免费的 PDF 转换程序 – doPDF 打印,就可以将文件转换为 PDF 文件。 使用微软的 Word、WordPad、记事本或是任何软件打开文件,选择使用 doPDF 打印, 程序会询问你要将 PDF 文件存放在那个文件夹,转换完成后会使用预设的 PDF 阅读程序打开 PDF 文件。


Dism++ 10.1.1002.1

2021-08-30 |

Dism++Dism++ can be considered as a GUI frontend of DISM, but it does not rely on Dism. It is instead based on a low-level Component Based Servicing (CBS) interface instead of the DISM API or DISM Core API.

Dism++ Features
Dism++ does not require any additional Dism component, such as the Windows ADK DISM components, making it compatible with a vareity of systems. Compared to Microsoft’s Dism, the other solution requires 3 versions of the Windows ADK DISM components.
Dism++ is like an improved version of Dism. It provides a full graphical interface and supports almost all of Dism’s functionalities and more. It can be used to manage updates, drivers, updates, features, Appx; toggle services and features; use Compact and WIMBoot; repair system…etc.
Dism++ provides full WIM support (including ESD patching, ESD to ISO, release partial ESD, and direct support for ISO). Most importantly, when using the ESD to ISO conversion feature, Dism++ can decrypt from the internal storage without decrypting the data.
Dism++ provides an open-ended clean-up and optimization features. Users can define their own Dism++ rules, creating their own tools for the system.


Rainmeter 4.5.0

2021-08-27 |

RainmeterRainmeter is a desktop customization platform. Through Rainmeter, you can enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins: handy, compact applets which float freely on your desktop, much like Windows Sidebar gagdgets, or dashboard widgets for the Mac.

Rainmeter skins provide you with useful information at a glance. It’s easy to keep an eye on your system resources, like memory and battery power, or your online data streams, including email, RSS feeds, and weather forecasts. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and send your tweets to Twitter – all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking.