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Archive for the ‘AntiVirus’ Category


Avira AntiVir Personal 2019

2018-11-14 |

aviraAvira FREE Antivirus is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs. Monitors every action executed by the user or the operating system and reacts promptly when a malicious program is detected. Lightweight and powerful, Avira Free Antivirus offers Real-Time malware detection, a pop-up blocker, privacy tools and safety ratings for your search results.

Avira AntiVir FREE Antivirus features:
Control Center for monitoring, managing and controlling the entire program
Central configuration with user-friendly standard and advanced options and context-sensitive help
System Scanner (on-demand scan) with profile-controlled and configurable scan for all known types of virus and malware
Integration into the Windows User Account Control allows you to carry out tasks requiring administrator rights.
Real-Time Protection (on-access scan) for continuous monitoring of all file access attempts
Integrated Scheduler for planning one-off or recurring jobs such as updates or scans
Extremely high virus and malware detection via innovative scanning technology (scan engine) including heuristic scanning method
Detection of all conventional archive types including detection of nested archives and smart extension detection
High-performance multithreading function (simultaneous high-speed scanning of multiple files)
…and much more.


Microsoft Security Essentials 4.10

2016-12-02 |

Microsoft Security EssentialsMicrosoft Security Essentials(微软安全必备)可以防御运行Windows XP、Vista和Windows 7电脑中的病毒、间谍软件、rootkits和木马.Microsoft Security Essentials软件本身并不可以抵制所有的Web威胁,但是当使用IE8浏览器以及全面更新的Windows操作系统的时候,将会为用户提供完整的安全解决方案.

• Remove most-prevalent malware
• Remove known viruses
• Real-time anti-virus protection
• Remove known spyware
• Real-time anti-spyware protection


COMODO Internet Security 8.0

2014-11-19 |

comodoComodo Internet Security is the free, multi-layered security application that keeps hackers out and personal information in.Built from the ground upwards with your security in mind, Internet Security offers 360° protection by combining powerful Antivirus protection, an enterprise class packet filtering firewall, advanced host intrusion prevention and automatic sandboxing of unknown files.Unlike the stripped down versions of commercial software that other software vendors offer for free, this is the full, completely functional version of the product.

Main features of Comodo Internet Security:

Antivirus: Tracks down and destroy any existing malware hiding in a PC.
Anti-Spyware: Detects spyware threats and destroys each infection.
Anti-Rootkit: Scans, detects & removes rootkits on your computer.
Bot Protection: Prevents malicious software turning your PC into a zombie.
Defense+: Protects critical system files and blocks malware before it installs.
Auto Sandbox Technology™: Runs unknown files in an isolated environment where they can cause no damage.
Memory Firewall: Cutting-edge protection against sophisticated buffer overflow attacks.
Anti-Malware Kills malicious processes before they can do harm.


Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) Service Pack 4

2013-12-02 |

ForefrontForefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) Service Pack 4 (SP4) provides support for Windows 8.1 devices with Internet Explorer 11, and includes a number of fixes for customer reported issues.

For a full description of the Forefront UAG SP4 features, see What’s New in SP4.

This download page provides the SP4 update, which can be installed only on existing Forefront UAG servers with SP3 Rollup 1 (KB 2827350) already installed. For information about SP4 installation, see Installing SP4 on Forefront UAG 2010.

The following downloads are included in this page:

• Forefront UAG SP4 Update (UAG-KB2861386-v4.0.4083.10000-ENU.msp)—Run this file to install SP4 on servers currently running Forefront UAG with SP3 Rollup 1.


AVG Anti-Virus Free 2014

2013-09-06 |

AVG Anti-VirusMillions of people around the world use AVG Anti-Virus Free for their basic online activities. Whether it’s surfing the Internet, conducting web searches, or simply keeping up with friends on Facebook, AVG Anti-Virus Free has got you covered.

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition allows you to:
* Surf and search with confidence AVG LinkScanner’s® real-time protection
* Stay protected on social networks with AVG Social Networking Protection
* Enjoy a faster running PC AVG Smart Scanning works while you’re away and runs in low-priority mode when you return
* Stay up-to-date with the latest threat information from the AVG Community Protection Network and AVG Protective Cloud Technology


Comodo Personal Firewall 2013 6.0

2012-12-21 |

comodoComodo Personal Firewall 这是一款功能强大的、高效的且容易使用的,提供了针对网络和个人用户的最高级别的保护,从而阻挡黑客的进入和个人资料的泄露。能够提供程序访问网络权限的底层最全面的控制能力,提供网络窃取的最终抵制,实时流量监视器可以在发生网络窃取和洪水攻击时迅速作出反应,通过简单的界面安装后,Comodo 个人防火墙安全的连接到互联网。针对网络攻击完备的安全策略,迅速抵御黑客和网络欺诈。使用友好的点击式用户界面来确认或阻拦网络访问;完全免疫攻击;通过使您的PC隐身而抵御黑客攻击。

Comodo Firewall是少数完全实现TCP/UDP 全状态检测的个人防火墙。Comodo Firewall 自身集成了COMODO 已认证程序数据库,包括了近20000个通过认证的可执行文件的数字认证(校验)信息。


Comodo AntiVirus 2013 6.0

2012-12-21 |

Comodo AntiVirus在现代有网路世界里,最让使用者头疼的莫过于电脑病毒了,一旦电脑中了病毒,就会导致系统运行速度慢,个人资源泄漏等严重后果。只要使用者将这款 Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载安装,就能将所有的病毒拦截在外,保护您的电脑不受到任何伤害。如果,您还在受到病毒的困扰,不妨尝试对这款 Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载体验吧,它能给您营造一个健康的网路环境。

Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载提供者,是由著名的Comodo Inc公司推出的,虽然,它是款免费的防毒软体,但其功能绝不输给那些收费防毒软体哦。Comodo Antivirus免费防毒软体下载安装后,就能支援即时系统防护、杀毒、线上更新、扫毒等,只要您想得到的功能,它都能一一满足您。


Windows 7 Firewall Control 5.1

2012-10-24 |

Windows 7 Firewall ControlWindows7FirewallControl protects both local and remotely running applications from undesirable incoming and outgoing network activity. Controlling an entire network/cloud by implementing a distributed security model and creating virtual sub networks on physical networks/clouds. The program manages external connectability by automatically synchronizing the hardware-firewalls/-routers Port Forwarding.

Unbeatable stability/compatibility (no third party kernel drivers are used)
Light setup ~ 3MB
Perpetual license without subscriptions
Instant notifications of blocked activity
Remote management
External network connection (firewall/router) hardware support


avast! Free Antivirus 7.0

2012-02-24 |

avastavast!是一款来自捷克的杀毒与网络安全软件,包括家庭版、企业版、手机版等,涵盖免费杀毒、全功能杀毒、网络安全、企业(加强)版、文件/邮件服务器等多个安全领域。在两星期前发布了avast! 7 Beta之后,如今正式版已放出。


avast! 管理门户/远程协助/易于使用的用户界面/自定义安装
兼容 Windows 8(Beta 版)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010 Service Pack 2

2011-10-11 |

ForefrontMicrosoft® Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2) introduces new functionality to Forefront TMG 2010 Standard and Enterprise Editions.

The service pack includes the following new functionality and feature improvements:
New Reports
• The new Site Activity report displays a report showing the data transfer between users and specific websites for any user.

Error Pages
• A new look and feel has been created for error pages.
• Error pages can be more easily customized and can include embedded objects.

Kerberos Authentication
• You can now use Kerberos authentication when you deploy an array using network load balancing (NLB).