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PotPlayer 231102

2023-11-03 |

PotPlayerPotPlayer是由 KMPlayer 的原作者姜勇希在跳槽到 Daum 公司后使用 C++ 完全重写的播放器。它基本上继承了 KMPlayer 方便的滤镜以及外挂式的管理系统。同时简化了内部的解码器体系。现在基本依靠 Bass 和 FFmpeg 系滤镜解决播放问题。同时 PotPlayer 还完成了 KMP 无法实现的 DXVA 硬件解码以及多线程解码功能。使您能更流畅的观看高清影片。在相对小巧的体积下 PotPlayer 实现了支持绝大多数视频格式的功能。

硬件加速,支持DXVA(DirectX Video Acceleration)。


微信输入法 1.0.0

2023-11-02 |

微信输入法 微信键盘输入法的特色:

微信输入法 1.0.0 for Windows 正式版发布
发布版本:1.0.0 for Windows
– 支持跨设备复制粘贴文字、同步词库和常用语
– 体验优化和问题修复


VLC Media Player 3.0.20

2023-11-01 |

VLC媒体播放器软件相当繁多,不过使用VLC Media Player的可能不多。它来自免费软件与开源跨平台流视频方案VideoLAN,除了可以播放绝大多数格式的本地多媒体外,还支持大量流式协议,能很好地播放网络流媒体,对付残缺AVI文件也是一绝。

作为一个开源跨平台项目,VLC Media Player支持Windows、Mac OS X和Linux、BSD的各种发行版本,几乎无所不包,源代码自然也是公开的。如果你喜欢它,可以贡献自己的时间、代码、硬件或者金钱,帮助其发展。

对了,VLC Media Player还可以用作媒体转换器,或者流媒体服务器,支持单点和多点广播,支持IPv4、IPv6网络。


Sumatra PDF 3.5.2

2023-10-26 |

Sumatra PDFWhat is Sumatra PDF?
Sumatra PDF is a free PDF, XPS, DjVu, CBZ and CBR reader for Windows.
Sumatra PDF is small and starts up very fast.
Simplicity of the user interface has a high priority.
Portable version included (a single executable that can be run e.g. from USB drive and doesn’t write to registry).

3.5.2 (2023-10-25)
fix not showing tab text
make menus in dark themes look more like standard menus (bigger padding)
fix Bookmarks for folder showing bad file names
update translations


PeaZip 9.5.0

2023-10-23 |

PeaZipPeaZip is an open source file and archive manager: cross platform, available as portable and installable software for 32 and 64 bit Windows (9x, 2k, XP, Vista, 7) and Linux (PeaZip is a desktop neutral application).

 * Full support
  o 7z, FreeArc’s arc/wrc, sfx (7z and arc), bz2, gz, paq/lpaq, pea, quad/balz, split, tar, upx, zip
 * Read (browse, extract, test) 118 file extensions
  o 7z, bz, bz2, bzip2, tbz2, tbz, gz, gzip, tgz, tpz, tar, zip, z01, smzip, arj, cab, chm, chi, chq, chw, hxs, hxi, hxr, hxq, hxw, lit, cpio, deb, lzh, lha, rar, r01, 00, rpm, z, taz, tz, iso, jar, ear, war, lha, pet, pup, pak, pk3, pk4, slp, [Content], xpi, wim, u3p, lzma86, lzma, udf, xar, dmg, hfs, part1, split, swm, tpz, kmz, xz, txz, vhd, mslz, apm, mbr, fat, ntfs, exe, dll, sys, msi, msp, ods, ots, odm, oth, oxt, odb, odf, odg, otg, odp, otp, odt, ott, gnm, doc, dot, xls, xlt, ppt, pps, pot, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx, swf, flv, quad, balz, zpaq, paq8f, paq8jd, paq8l, paq8o, lpaq1, lpaq5, lpaq8, ace, arc, wrc, 001, pea, cbz, cbr, cba, cb7, cbt.
 * Repair
  o FreeArc’s arc/wrc


VMware Workstation Player 17.5

2023-10-21 |

VMware PlayerVMware Player is the easiest way to run multiple operating systems at the same time on your PC. With its user-friendly interface, VMware Player makes it effortless for anyone to try out Windows 8, Windows 7, Chrome OS, the latest Linux releases, or create isolated virtual machines to safely test new software. VMware Player is free for personal use. VMware Player is now available for commercial use with support offerings as a component of VMware Fusion Professional.

Best Way to Run Windows XP
VMware Player is the best way to run legacy Windows XP applications on Windows 7 or Windows 8. With unity mode, copy-and-paste, drag-and-drop, and networking and printing that require no additional setup, XP applications will run seamlessly on modern hardware.


Skype for Win & Mac 8.106

2023-10-14 |


* 在Skype上与世界上任何地方的Skype用户进行免费通话。
* 用相当低的每分钟费率打电话给普通电话和移动电话。
* 通过视频通话看到与您交谈的对方。
* 在途中发送短消息给朋友。
* 设置来电转接,这样就永远不会错过下一个来电。
* 利用群聊功能和多达100人聊天,或使用语音会议选项与多达其他九个人交谈。
* 通过Google工具栏搜索网页。(选择安装项)
* 免费下载。
* 支持多国语言。


Waterfox G6.0.3

2023-10-03 |

WaterfoxWaterfox is basically a 64-Bit version of Firefox. The Firefox source code is taken and compiled to run specifically for 64-Bit Windows computers. To make Waterfox stand out a bit more, it’s compiled with optimizations so that it will run more efficiently and faster than just compiling Firefox as a 64-Bit program. For some people with older systems, the 64-Bit version loads quicker and is much more responsive than the 32-Bit build.

In benchmarks, the 64-Bit variant of Firefox out-performs the 32-Bit variant. Also because this variant is being built specifically for Windows, there might be further performance increases. Waterfox was compiled with SSE, SSE2, x64 favoring and the following optimisation flags: /Og /Oi /Ot /Oy /Ob2 /Gs /GF /Gy

Add-Ons work on any version of Firefox, on any platform.


FastStone Image Viewer 7.8

2023-09-30 |

FastStoneFastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. It has a nice array of features that include image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, emailing, resizing, cropping and color adjustments. Its innovative but intuitive full-screen mode provides quick access to EXIF information, thumbnail browser and major functionalities via hidden toolbars that pop up when your mouse touches the four edges of the screen. Other features include a high quality magnifier and a musical slideshow with 150+ transitional effects, as well as lossless JPEG transitions, drop shadow effects, image annotation, scanner support, histogram and much more. It supports all major graphic formats (BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, animated GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO and TGA) and popular digital camera RAW formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, MRW, ORF, SRF and DNG).


Mozilla SeaMonkey

2023-09-21 |


SeaMonkey 将替代Mozilla基金会原先的“Mozilla浏览器套件”的开发。——从用户角度来说,它将继承Mozilla浏览器套件的大部分功能,包括一个网页浏览器、一个高级邮件程序、一个IRC聊天客户端和一个HTML编辑器。SeaMonkey将继承Mozilla浏览器套件的衣钵,成为新一代的网络集成工具。