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MKVToolnix 69.0

2022-07-10 |

MKVToolnixMKV并不是通常意义上的视频格式,而是一种“容器”。简单的来说,我们可以将所有的视频、音频、字幕乃至各种文件封装进这个“容器”,而解码工作由相应的解码器来完成。由于其“容器”的特性,所以他几乎能够包容所有的的影音文件,即任何的影音文件可以通过封装成为MKV文件。MKVtoolnix 就是这样一种可以修改、检查和合并MKV文件的工具集。

mkvtoolnix (又叫Matroska toolkit),是一套功能强大的mkv(Matroska)格式制作和处理的工具,支持将多种视频、音频、字幕等格式封装成mkv格式。


华宇拼音输入法 7.3

2022-07-05 |





Foxit PDF Reader 12.0

2022-06-29 |

Foxit ReaderFoxit Reader is a multilingual PDF reader. Both the basic and full version readers can be downloaded for free, though the basic version offers to install third-party software.

Foxit Reader is notable for its short load time and small filesize, and has been compared favorably to Adobe Reader. The Windows version allows annotating and saving unfinished PDF forms, FDF import/export, converting to text, highlighting and drawing.



XnView 2.51

2022-06-02 |




Ubuntu 21.10/22.04 LTS

2022-04-22 |



这一代最大的特色是全面导入名为Unity的新界面,这也是先前使用在Netbook Remix版本上的界面,相较过去的界面号称更为美观且简单易用。而Ubunty也会针对使用者的显示适配器进行判断,若是安装者的显示适配器性能不足,也会自动改为传统界面,当然看不惯Unity界面,也可以手动选择传统界面。


搜狗五笔输入法 5.5

2022-03-31 |





iOS / iPadOS 15.3

2022-01-27 |

iOSiOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that powers many of the company’s mobile devices, including the iPhone and iPod Touch; the term also included the versions running on iPads until the name iPadOS was introduced with version 13 in 2019. It is the world’s second-most widely installed mobile operating system, after Android. It is the basis for three other operating systems made by Apple: iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS. It is proprietary software, although some parts of it are open source under the Apple Public Source License and other licenses.

Unveiled in 2007 for the first-generation iPhone, iOS has since been extended to support other Apple devices such as the iPod Touch (September 2007) and the iPad (introduced: January 2010; availability: April 2010.) As of March 2018, Apple’s App Store contains more than 2.1 million iOS applications, 1 million of which are native for iPads. These mobile apps have collectively been downloaded more than 130 billion times.

Major versions of iOS are released annually. The current stable version, iOS 15, was released to the public on September 20, 2021


WordPress 5.9

2022-01-26 |

WordPressWordPress 是一个注重美学、易用性和网络标准的个人信息发布平台。WordPress 虽为免费的开源软件,但其价值是无法用金钱来衡量。使用 WordPress 可以搭建功强大的网络信息发布平台,但更多的是应用于个性化的博客。针对博客的应用,WordPress 能让您省却对后台技术的担心,集中精力做好网站的内容。

Say Hello to the New Editor
We’ve made some big upgrades to the editor. Our new block-based editor is the first step toward an exciting new future with a streamlined editing experience across your site. You’ll have more flexibility with how content is displayed, whether you are building your first site, revamping your blog, or write code for a living.


Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021

2021-11-18 |

Windows LogoWindows 10 has several editions, all with varying feature sets, use cases, or intended devices. Certain editions are distributed only on devices directly from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), while editions such as Enterprise and Education are only available through volume licensing channels. Microsoft also makes editions of Windows 10 available to device manufacturers for use on specific classes of devices, including IoT devices and previously marketed Windows 10 Mobile for smartphones.

Enterprise LTSC
Enterprise LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) (formerly LTSB (Long-Term Servicing Branch)) is a long-term support variant of Windows 10 Enterprise released every 2 to 3 years. Each release is supported with security updates for either 5 or 10 years after its release, and intentionally receive no feature updates. Some features, including the Microsoft Store and bundled apps, are not included in this edition. This edition was first released as Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB (Long-Term Servicing Branch). There are currently 4 releases of LTSC: one in 2015 (version 1507), one in 2016 (version 1607), one in 2018 (labeled as 2019, version 1809), and one in 2021 (version 21H2).


Mouse and Keyboard Center 14

2021-10-07 |

Microsoft记得Windows 8消费者预览版刚发布后,微软发布了一款名为Microsoft Device Center软件的Beta版,以确保键盘鼠标设备与Windows 8良好兼容。而日前,Microsoft Device Center软件正式更名为Mouse and Keyboard Center并发布了正式版。

微软Mouse and Keyboard Center软件的中文名称很直观,就叫做微软鼠标键盘中心,采用典型的Metro化界面,能够自动识别微软键盘鼠标并安装驱动,还可以很方便的对键盘鼠标进行调试或者个性化设置等操作。

Mouse and Keyboard Center软件可以说是专门为Windows 8系统准备的,其实它也可以看做是Windows 8操作系统上IntelliType和IntelliPoint的集合,简化了操作设置流程,同时还可以使普通键盘鼠标尽量适应Windows 8系统的操作。如果你是微软鼠标键盘用户使用的还是Windows 8系统的话,这款微软鼠标键盘中心就非常适合了你了。支持型号列表请参考以下链接: