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2024-05-28 | [5,527]

NanaZip 3.0 Update 1


NanaZipNanaZip is an open source file archiver intended for the modern Windows experience, forked from the source code of well-known open source file archiver 7-Zip.

Inherit all features from 7-Zip 21.06.
Packaging with MSIX for modern deployment experience.
Support the context menu in Windows 10/11 File Explorer.
Enable NSIS script decompiling support for the NSIS archives. (Merged from 7-Zip NSIS branch.)
Provide 7-Zip execution alias for helping users to migrate to NanaZip.
Support the Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5 and Zstandard codecs. (Merged from 7-Zip ZS branch.)

System Requirements
Supported OS: Windows 10, version 1809 or later
Supported Platforms: x86, x86-64(AMD64) and ARM64.

Release Notes

Update Mile.Windows.Internal to 1.0.2889.
Make the 7-Zip Zstandard branch’s specific options translatable. (Contributed by ChuckMichael.)
Polish translation for Sponsor dialog. (Contributed by ChuckMichael.)
Fix compatibility issues with iFlyIME, Sogou Pinyin, and Transparent Flyout. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
Update the UI layout for the sponsor button. (Suggested by namazso.)
NanaZip will only check the Sponsor Edition addon licensing status the first time you launch NanaZip File Manager or click the sponsor button to optimize the user experience.
Update NanaZip installation documentation. (Contributed by dongle-the-gadget.)
Use Extract dialog when extracting without selection. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
Fix tooltips from XAML controls cannot be transparent.
Fix dark mode UI font rendering issues in some Windows 10 environments.
Adjust the dark mode text color for improving the user experience. (Suggested by userzzzq.)
Synchronize the 7-Zip mainline implementations to 24.06. ( (Thanks to Igor Pavlov. Noticed by KsZAO.)


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