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Posts Tagged ‘Pale Moon’


Basilisk 2024.02.03

2024-02-04 |

BasiliskBasilisk is a free and Open Source XUL-based web browser, featuring the well-known Firefox-style interface and operation. It is based on the Goanna layout and rendering engine (a fork of Gecko) and builds on the Unified XUL Platform (UXP), which in turn is a fork of the Mozilla code base without Servo or Rust.

Basilisk as an application is primarily a vessel for development of the XUL platform it builds upon, and additionally a potential replacement for Firefox to retain the use of Firefox Extensions.

Basilisk is development software. This means that it should be considered more or less “beta” at all times; it may have some bugs and is provided as-is, with potential defects. Like any other Free Software community project, it comes without any warranty or promise of fitness for any particular purpose. That being said: of course we will do our best to provide an as stable and secure browser as possible with every official release of Basilisk.


Pale Moon 32.5.0

2023-11-01 |

Pale Moon相信很多朋友都正在使用或者曾经使用过Firefox(火狐)浏览器,毕竟对于这么一个具有传奇色彩的软件自然是要尝试一下的。不过一直以来,Firefox有着一个致命的缺点,那就是冷启动速度太慢,有的时候完成第一次启动甚至需要耗费将近1分钟的时间,这么一个看似小的缺陷却已经严重影响了那些首次尝试Firefox的用户热情,一些用户甚至因为无法忍受这一点而转投Chrome阵营。那么如果你也在被这个问题所困扰的话,我们建议你来使用一下“火狐”的同胞兄弟:“苍月”。

所谓“苍月”指的是Pale Moon,是一个基于Firefox浏览器修改优化而来的衍生版本,在Pale Moon项目的官方主页上,项目组人员详细的描述了Pale Moon相比于Firefox原版的修改内容,涉及针对各种处理器的特殊优化,以及对于内部脚本代码的修改和调整,官方表示,Pale Moon修改版相比于原版Firefox,会有25%的速度提升。