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Posts Tagged ‘Essentials’


Microsoft Security Essentials 4.10

2016-12-02 |

Microsoft Security EssentialsMicrosoft Security Essentials(微软安全必备)可以防御运行Windows XP、Vista和Windows 7电脑中的病毒、间谍软件、rootkits和木马.Microsoft Security Essentials软件本身并不可以抵制所有的Web威胁,但是当使用IE8浏览器以及全面更新的Windows操作系统的时候,将会为用户提供完整的安全解决方案.

• Remove most-prevalent malware
• Remove known viruses
• Real-time anti-virus protection
• Remove known spyware
• Real-time anti-spyware protection


MS13-045 Vulnerability in Windows Essentials Could Allow Information Disclosure (2813707)

2013-05-17 |

Windows Live Writer此安全更新可解决 Windows 软件包中一个秘密报告的漏洞。如果用户使用特制 URL 打开 Windows Writer,则该漏洞可能允许信息泄露。成功利用此漏洞的攻击者可能会替代 Windows Writer 代理设置并覆盖目标系统上用户可以访问的文件。在基于 Web 的攻击情形中,网站可能包含用于利用此漏洞的特制链接。攻击者必须说服用户访问该网站,并打开特制链接。

对于安装在 Microsoft Windows 的所有受支持版本上的 Windows Writer,此安全更新的等级为“重要”。此安全更新通过更正 Windows Writer 处理 URL 参数的方式来解决漏洞。


XPS Essentials Pack 1.2

2010-12-03 |

XPSWith the XPS Essentials Pack you can quickly begin reading and generating XPS Documents. It contains XPS Viewer EP to read XPS Documents and the Microsoft XPS Document Writer to output files to the XPS Document format

Additionally, the XPS Essentials Pack download includes providers to enable the iPreview and iFilter capabilities found in many Windows applications. Windows shell handlers are also included to enable thumbnail views and file properties for XPS Documents.