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Archive for the ‘MULTIMEDIA’ Category


QQ音乐 2013

2013-09-05 |




Google SketchUp 13.0

2013-08-15 |

SketchUpSketchUp是一套直接面向设计方案创作过程的设计工具,其创作过程不仅能够充分表达设计师的思想而且完全满足与客户即时交流的需要,与设计师用手工 绘制构思草图的过程很相似,是目前为数不多的直接面向设计过程的设计工具,它使得设计师可以直接在电脑上进行十分直观的构思,随着构思的不断清晰,细节不断增加,这样设计师可以最大限度地减少机械重复劳动和控制设计成果的准确性。

7、正式支持AutoCAD 2007。


Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 Service Pack 2

2013-07-24 |

Sharepoint DesignerMicrosoft SharePoint Designer 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2) provides the latest updates for SharePoint Designer 2010. Additionally, this service pack includes two kinds of fixes:

Previouslyunreleased fixes that were created specifically for this service pack. In addition to general product fixes, these fixes include improvements in stability, performance, and security.
All public updates that were released through May 2013, and all the cumulative updates that were released through April 2013.


Aperture 3.4.5 Updater

2013-06-07 |

ApertureWhat’s New in Aperture 3
Faces and Places. Brushes for precision retouching. Dozens of adjustment presets. True full-screen browsing and editing. And that’s just part of the perfect picture.

Faces: Faces makes it faster and easier to search thousands of photos for shots of a particular person.
Places: Now you can use GPS location data to explore your photos by the places they were taken. Better still, find them on an interactive map.
Brushes: New nondestructive, edge-aware brushes let you selectively apply powerful adjustments to photos.
Adjustment Presets: Dozens of new adjustment presets give your photos a wide range of looks. In just one click.
Full-Screen Browser: Take advantage of your Apple display to get a big, uncluttered, full-screen view of your library.
Advanced Slideshows: Create spectacular multimedia shows with photos, HD video clips, titles, layered soundtracks, and professionally designed themes.


iMovie 9.0.9 Updater

2013-05-15 |

iMovie有了 iMovie,你可轻松将家庭短片变为至爱影片。你会看得捧腹大笑,也会感动落泪,看多少遍都乐此不疲。不仅如此,你还更乐意与人分享影片。

以为你拍摄的家庭影片已经够精彩?还是看看影片预告片再说吧。现在,你可以用 iMovie ’11 制作自己的预告片。有 15 种影片预告片模板可供选择,涵盖从冒险、史诗剧、浪漫喜剧及更多类型。效果震撼的图形和字幕在大(或小)屏幕上呼啸而过,著名的伦敦交响乐团奏响恢宏的原声电影配乐。转瞬间,你的家庭影片也具备了好莱坞大片的风范。影片预告片的制作相当简单。只需点击你的视频片段,将其放入故事板,添加人物名称,个性化主题,然后就让 iMovie 施展魔力。它会修剪视频片段,再加上过渡效果、主题和特效。一部精彩绝伦的预告片就此完成。


iPhoto 9.4.3 Updater

2013-04-17 |

iPhotoiPhoto是一款由苹果公司为Mac OS X操作系统和iLife软件套装编写,用于管理数码照片的应用软件。

从你的社交网页到咖啡桌面,甚至你好友的邮箱,你的照片将发挥前所未有的魅力。这一切在 iPhoto 里都可轻松实现。

一说到照片,当然是越大越好。在 iPhoto ’11 中,你可以全屏模式浏览、编辑并共享你的照片。只要轻点一下,桌面应用程序、菜单栏和其他干扰随即消失,你的图像将在屏幕的显著位置显示。全屏显示可充分利用显示屏的每寸画面。这样,你的面孔布告板和地点地图可填满整个屏幕,让你看到更多的事件、相簿和项目。享受精彩的全屏画面同时,还可使用新的幻灯影片方式来逐个浏览画面。占用的屏幕越大,意味着你将有更大的发挥空间,用以制作精美照片和难忘的 iPhoto 项目。


Nokia Suite 3.8.13

2013-03-18 |

Nokia SuiteUse Nokia Suite to get the most out of your phone and PC. Move photos, videos, music, and more between the phone and the PC, and get the latest phone software. Download apps, music, or free street maps, and back up important content.

Nokia Suite is meant for the latest non-Lumia phones, such as the Asha family. For older models, use Nokia PC Suite.

With the latest version of Nokia Suite, you can:
Copy your contacts, calendar and photos from existing Nokia phone to Microsoft SkyDrive service. After copying your content to Microsoft SkyDrive, you can easily get content to your Nokia Lumia phone using same Microsoft account.
Get important software updates and improvements


豌豆荚手机精灵 2.34

2012-12-30 |


* 收发短信:直接在在豌豆荚里写短信然后传输到手机发送,怎么说电脑打字也比手机快
* 应用程序管理:如果你不常能到有WiFi环境的地方,那么豌豆荚就可以帮助你下载应用并安装到手机里
* 音乐管理:这个很像iTunes了,可以自动按照音乐名称匹配网络里的音乐,将起封面图片和歌词同步到手机里
* 视频管理:这个更本地化了,除了一键下载优酷和土豆的视频到手机里观看,还可对本地硬盘里的视频进行转码,方便手机直接观看


HTC Sync 3.3.21

2012-12-29 |

HTCYou can use HTC Sync™ to synchronize Outlook contacts and calendar or Outlook Express contacts, and web browser bookmarks between your computer and your phone. It also lets you install third-party Android applications, and bring your photos, videos, documents, songs, and playlists to your phone.

Version: 3.3.21
Driver is updated to

HTC Sync for all HTC Android Phones


Adobe Contribute CS5

2012-10-04 |

Contribute CS5Adobe Contribute CS4 software is a powerful web publishing and website management tool that integrates authoring, reviewing, and publishing in an easy-to-use WYSIWYG HTML editor. Increase web publishing productivity while simplifying oversight and approval tasks.

This updater delivers the:
1. Workaround for Contribute CS4 not responding issue when launching on Mac OS 10.5.x with Safari version 3.2.1.
2. Adobe Contribute plug-in for Firefox 3 on Macintosh. This plug-in update is for all users of the Contribute CS4 on Macintosh who use Firefox 3.
With this you can edit pages directly in your Firefox 3 web browser on Macintosh without having to open the Contribute desktop application.