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Archive for the ‘DEVELOP’ Category


Visual Studio 2010 Express

2010-12-24 |

Visual Studio 2010Unleash your Creativity!
The Visual Studio 2010 Express is a set of free tools which offers you an exciting experience with the new integrated development environment, a new editor built in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and support for the new .NET Framework 4.

Powerful Set of Free Tools
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express is ideal for the developer learning to program on Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express offers a great combination of power and productivity for Windows developers building on .NET.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express provides developers the horsepower with a finer degree of control than the other Visual Studio Express productions.


Adobe Digital Editions

2010-12-23 |

Adobe Digital EditionsAdobe Digital Editions 软件提供一种引人入胜的方式, 帮助您查看和管理 eBooks 和其它数字出版物。使用它下载和购买可在线或离线阅读的数字内容。将受到版权保护的 eBooks 从您的 PC 传输到其它计算机或设备。将 eBooks 组织到一个自定库和多个注释页。Digital Editions 还支持业界标准 eBook 格式, 包括 PDF/A 和 EPUB。

充分利用简洁、有序的界面, 它为阅读数字出版物度身定制。使用阅读视图查看书签、批注和目录。以双页、单页或适合宽度视图显示 PDF 文件, 也可以指定自定方式。您还可以放大缩小 EPUB 内容的文本大小。


SQL Server 2005 / Express Edition Service Pack 4

2010-12-18 |

sqlserverMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 现在可供下载。SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 是依次递增的,此 Service Pack 可以将所有服务级别的 SQL Server 2005 升级到 SP4。您可以使用这些包升级下列任意 SQL Server 2005 版本:
* Enterprise
* Enterprise Evaluation
* Developer
* Standard
* Workgroup

SQL Server 2005 SP4 包括 SQL Server 2005 SP3 累积更新 1 至 11、客户请求的修补程序以及支持 DAC 操作的 SQL Server 2005 SP4 数据库引擎实例。


Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

2010-12-18 |

Access此下载将安装一组组件,非 Microsoft Office 应用程序可以使用它们从 2010 Office system 文件中读取数据以及向这些文件中写入数据,例如 Microsoft Access 2010 (mdb 和 accdb)文件以及 Microsoft Excel 2010 (xls、xlsx 和 xlsb)文件。 还支持与文本文件建立连接。
此外,还会安装 ODBC 和 OLEDB 驱动程序,供应用程序开发人员在开发与 Office 文件格式连接的应用程序时使用。

1. 如果您是应用程序用户,请查阅应用程序文档以获得有关如何使用相应的驱动程序的详细信息。
2. 如果您是使用 OLEDB 的应用程序开发人员,请将 ConnectionString 属性的 Provider 参数设置为“Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.14.0”
◦如果要连接到 Microsoft Office Excel 数据,请将“Excel 14.0”添加到 OLEDB 连接字符串的扩展属性中。
3. 如果您是使用 ODBC 连接到 Microsoft Office Access 数据的应用程序开发人员,请将连接字符串设置为“Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=path to mdb/accdb file”
4. 如果您是使用 ODBC 连接到 Microsoft Office Excel 数据的应用程序开发人员,请将连接字符串设置为“Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=path to xls/xlsx/xlsm/xlsb file”


XPS Essentials Pack 1.2

2010-12-03 |

XPSWith the XPS Essentials Pack you can quickly begin reading and generating XPS Documents. It contains XPS Viewer EP to read XPS Documents and the Microsoft XPS Document Writer to output files to the XPS Document format

Additionally, the XPS Essentials Pack download includes providers to enable the iPreview and iFilter capabilities found in many Windows applications. Windows shell handlers are also included to enable thumbnail views and file properties for XPS Documents.


Microsoft Expression Blend 4 Service Pack 1

2010-11-13 |

BlendExpression Blend 4 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 支持编译 Windows Phone 7 应用程序,并通过支持 FXG 文件格式改善了与 Adobe 设计工具之间的集成,另外还包含错误修补程序和增强稳定性的功能。

Windows Phone 支持
在安装 Windows Phone 开发工具后,可以在 Expression Blend 中使用这些设计工具创建 Windows Phone 应用程序,包括 Windows Phone 项目和项模板、图形和动画工具、行为以及示例数据。创建了 Windows Phone 应用程序之后,可以编译它,然后在 Windows Phone 仿真器中预览它,或者在连接到计算机的 Windows Phone 设备中预览它。


StatPlus:mac LE 5.7.5

2010-10-04 |

StatPlus:macStatPlus:mac LE – a free edition of StatPlus:mac Professional developed by AnalystSoft. If you are using a Mac and Excel 2011 for Mac or Excel 2008 for Mac for daily analytical and statistical purposes, StatPlus:mac: LE is exactly what you need to get started! Get a powerful statistical tool for free – now with a set of new essential features – without leaving Excel.

This handy add-on replaces Microsoft Analysis Toolpak in Excel 2011 for Mac. It features a detailed migration guide for users switching from Analysis Toolpak to StatPlus:mac and has the Excel interface you already know! StatPlus:mac LE is fully compatible with Excel 2004/2008/2011 and is the Microsoft recommended replacement of its own Analysis Toolpak module.


SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4

2010-09-24 |

SQL ServerSQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4) addresses specific issues that were discovered in SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0 since their ship date. Because SQL Server Service Packs are cumulative, SP4 includes all updates from previously released service packs, and can be applied to an original installation or to one where Service Pack 1 (SP1), Service Pack 2 (SP2), or Service Pack 3 (SP3) was previously applied.

SQL Server 7.0 SP4 is provided as a single executable (.exe) file. This download includes:
 ● Data Engine.
 ● Database client utilities, such as SQL Server Enterprise Manager and osql for SQL Server 7.0.
 ● Database client connectivity components, such as the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, the SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver, and the client Net-Libraries.


Microsoft Sync Framework Redistributable Package 2.1

2010-08-19 |

Microsoft .NET FrameworkMicrosoft Sync Framework 是一个综合的同步平台,实现了应用程序、服务和设备的协作和脱机方案。通过使用 Microsoft Sync Framework,开发人员可以构建通过网络使用任何协议同步来自任何源的数据的应用程序。

Sync Framework 2.1 引入了新功能,这些功能支持您计算机上的 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Compact 数据库与 SQL Azure 数据库进行同步。此发行版还引入了基于参数的筛选、从数据库删除同步作用域和模板的功能,并且增强了性能可加快和简化同步过程。