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2024-06-26 | [7,523]

Brave Browser 1.67 Stable


Brave BrowserBrave is a free and open-source web browser developed by Brave Software, Inc. based on the Chromium web browser. The browser blocks ads and website trackers. The company has proposed adopting a Get paid to surf business model in a future version of the browser.

Brave created a new “blockchain-based advertising model that reforms the current system with privacy by design and 70 percent revenue share to users in the form of Basic Attention Tokens (BAT)”. Users may opt-in to view ads to earn BAT which they may convert into digital assets and fiat currencies, or use to support their favorite publishers, content creators, and companies.

According to Brave Software, “ad matching happens directly” on user devices which means that data is not sent to anyone.

Brave 1.67.123 changelog:
[Security] Fixed unreadable button labels on certain YubiKey modals when using light theme. (#39072)
Fixed unreadable button in the download manager. (#38905)
Upgraded Chromium to 126.0.6478.126. (#39329)


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