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2018-11-14 | [4,287]

Adobe Acrobat 2017 / DC 2019 Standard / Professional Updater


Acrobat 2017Acrobat 2017 is the latest perpetual desktop version of Acrobat. It simplifies everyday PDF tasks and includes many productivity enhancements when working with PDFs from your desktop.

Acrobat DC is the latest subscription version of Acrobat. With Acrobat DC, you always have the most recent version of Acrobat software with the newest product innovations and tools for desktop and mobile. It includes all the functionality of Acrobat 2017, plus you never have to purchase upgrades again.

When you subscribe to Acrobat DC enhanced with Document Cloud services, you pay a low monthly fee to get ongoing access to the latest PDF tools across desktop, browser and mobile devices to help you accomplish more when working with documents in the office or on the go:

Use the Acrobat Reader mobile app to create, edit, and sign PDFs
Create PDFs files from Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, images or photos from your mobile device or online
Convert PDFs into editable Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or RTF files from your mobile device or online
Edit text in a PDF on your iPad
Organize pages in PDF files from your iOS or Android tablet or smartphone.
Turn your mobile device camera into a portable scanner
Turn Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Illustrator (AI), or InDesign (INDD) files into PDFs
Combine multiple files into a single PDF
Get signatures from others, track responses, and archive signed documents
Send, track and confirm receipt of important documents, without overnight deliveries
Store and access files securely online with 20GB of storage

What’s new in Acrobat 2017
Easily compare files
Tabbed interface for viewing multiple PDFs
Create new bulleted lists
Easier scan to PDF
Use digital IDs
Improved tools search
Send and manage shared reviews on Mac
Select a UI theme
Enhanced commenting
Draw using DirectInk
Preview files

System Requirements for Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017, Acrobat Standard 2017

Acrobat Pro 2017 and Acrobat Standard 2017
1.5GHz or faster processor
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit), 2012 (64 bit), 2012 R2 (64 bit), or 2016 (64 bit); Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit); or Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit)
1GB of RAM
2.5GB of available hard-disk space
1024×768 screen resolution
DVD-ROM drive required (if installing from disc)
Internet Explorer 11; Firefox (ESR); or Chrome
Video hardware acceleration (optional)
This software will not operate without activation. Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.* Phone activation is not available.

Intel processor
Mac OS X v10.10, Mac OS X v10.11, macOS v10.12, or macOS v10.13
1GB of RAM
2.75GB of available hard-disk space
1024×768 screen resolution
DVD-ROM drive required (if installing from disc)
Safari 8.0 for Mac OS X v10.10, Safari 9.0 for Mac OS X 10.11, Safari 10.0 for macOS v10.12, Safari 11.0 for macOS v10.13 (browser plug-in for Safari is supported on 64-bit Intel processor only)
Video hardware acceleration (optional)
This software will not operate without activation. Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.* Phone activation is not available.

Acrobat Pro/Standard DC 2019

Acrobat Pro/Standard 2017

Acrobat Pro/Standard XI

Acrobat Pro/Standard XI

Acrobat Pro/Standard XI

Acrobat Pro/Standard XI






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