Android是基于Linux内核的软件平台和操作系统,是谷歌在2007年11 月5日公布的手机系统平台,早期由谷歌开发,后由开放手机联盟开发。它采用了软件堆层的架构,主要分为三部分。低层以Linux内核工作为基础,只提供基本功能;其他的应用软件则由各公司自行开发,以Java作为编写程序的一部分。另外,为了推广此技术,谷歌和其它几十个手机公司建立了开放手机联盟。
Google今日在香港发布了Android 4.0系统,并面向程序员发布了开发工具包,现已可以在Android开发中心下载。
Android 4.0 is a major platform release that adds a variety of new features for users and app developers. Besides all the new features and APIs discussed below, Android 4.0 is an important platform release because it brings the extensive set of APIs and Holographic themes from Android 3.x to smaller screens. As an app developer, you now have a single platform and unified API framework that enables you to develop and publish your application with a single APK that provides an optimized user experience for handsets, tablets, and more, when running the same version of Android—Android 4.0 (API level 14) or greater.
The Android 4.0 platform is available as a downloadable component for the Android SDK so you can begin developing and testing your applications on Android 4.0 with the Android emulator. The downloadable platform includes an Android library and system image, as well as a set of emulator skins and more. The downloadable platform does not include any external libraries.
yeah! its easy to install and start android development …you can also download different version of Android SDK from trustworthy site which i usually used .