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2015-09-14 | [8,612]

Python 3.5.0 / 2.7.10




Python 可以在 Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, OS/2, Amiga, Palm 手持设备, 和 Nokia 手机上运行。同时 Python 也可以被移植到 Java 和 .NET 虚拟机上。

Python 3.5.0
Python 3.5.0 was released on September 13th, 2015.

Major new features of the 3.5 series, compared to 3.4
Among the new major new features and changes in the 3.5 release series are

PEP 441, improved Python zip application support
PEP 448, additional unpacking generalizations
PEP 461, “%-formatting” for bytes and bytearray objects
PEP 465, a new operator (@) for matrix multiplication
PEP 471, os.scandir(), a fast new directory traversal function
PEP 475, adding support for automatic retries of interrupted system calls
PEP 479, change StopIteration handling inside generators
PEP 484, the typing module, a new standard for type annotations
PEP 485, math.isclose(), a function for testing approximate equality
PEP 486, making the Windows Python launcher aware of virtual environments
PEP 488, eliminating .pyo files
PEP 489, a new and improved mechanism for loading extension modules
PEP 492, coroutines with async and await syntax


Python 2.7.10 特性:
* 添加有序字典类型
* 新的单元测试功能,包括skipping测试,新的assert methods,和test discovery
* 更快的IO模块
* 自动在str.format()字段编号
* Float repr improvements backported from 3.x
* 为Tkinter添加Tile支持
* A backport of the memoryview object from 3.x
* 设定文字
* Set and dictionary comprehensions
* 新的语法和语句的嵌套
* The sysconfig module

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