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2023-05-25 | [8,111]

Paint.NET 5.0.6


Paint.NET或许很多人和我一样,在有的时候需要一款能简单处理图片的软件,功能要求也不高,就是加个文字注释,更改一下图片大小之类的。为了这些简单功能我们去安装强大的Photoshop?No No No,杀鸡焉用牛刀?下面这款Paint.NET就可以满足这样的需求。


Paint.NET最近的更新也很频繁,或许是上个版本发布的太匆忙,这次更新修复了不少Bug。或许这些都不是什么重点,重要的应该是其提供了对.Net Framework 4.0的支持。好吧我知道很多朋友对于Paint.NET这款软件对.Net Framework的密切依赖颇有微词,不过在Windows 7越来越普及的趋势下,我认为这应该不会成为一个问题了吧。

Paint.NET 5.0.6 changelog:

Improved the sharpness of the canvas, which had gotten too blurry in 5.0.4 in some cases
Added a “reset to default” button for Image->Resize’s Resampling option
Fixed a rendering artifact on the canvas where sometimes the transparency checkerboard would be visible at the bottom pixel of an image when it shouldn’t be
Fixed a glitch with the canvas zoom slider where it would draw the tracking thumb at the wrong position when the zoom level was at 10,000%
Fixed a rare hang that could happen when opening an image

Note: The system requirements have changed for 5.0. Windows 10 v1809+ or Windows 11 are now required. Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1 are no longer supported. A 64-bit CPU and 64-bit OS are also required: 32-bit x86 is no longer supported.

System Requirements

Windows 10 v1809+ or Windows 11
NOTE: Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 are no longer supported.
64-bit CPU and 64-bit version of Windows
Both Intel/AMD x64 and ARM64 are natively supported.
NOTE: 32-bit x86 is no longer supported.
A pen or drawing tablet that supports Windows Ink
A CPU that supports AVX2, which includes most CPUs released since 2013.
Note that AVX2 is not required, but it helps performance quite a bit.
A discrete GPU such as an NVIDIA GeForce, AMD Radeon, or Intel Arc
or an AMD Radeon APU (a type of integrated GPU)
or an Intel Iris Plus or Iris Xe integrated GPU
The GPU must support Direct3D 11. Otherwise the CPU will be used for rendering, which will have much lower performance.
An Intel HD or UHD iGPU also works, but the default quality used across the app (e.g. in distortion effects and the Move Selected Pixels tool) will automatically be lowered in order to improve performance.


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